The Town of South Whitley will be holding a town wide garage sale on April 27th and 28th. The band program uses this as a fundraising opportunity that brings in quite a bit of money for both the general band fund and our uniform campaign.
- Setup will be Thursday after school. Go directly to the Belle Haven restaurant parking lot to help unload the trailer. Myself and several band students will be on a field trip so please take direction from the booster officers who are planning this event!
- We will be selling food items (donuts and coffee in the morning, hot dogs and nachos in the afternoon). Proceeds from concession sales will be going to the band's general fund.
- We will also be running a "garage sale" type table. If anyone (especially those who do not live in South Whitley and/or not running their own personal sales) would like to donate items they would like sold in the garage sale, we will sell them and put these funds towards the uniforms. Please bring those items directly to the table and be sure they have a price on them. If it is something that doesn’t sell and you would like back, please specify that by labeling it as such. If it does not sell and you don’t want it we’ll be donating it to Goodwill.
- Middle school students will be asked to donate donuts to be sold in the mornings. Donuts need to be taken into the middle school by Thursday at the end of school. Pre-packaged donuts from the grocery store will keep and transport best.
- High school students are asked to bring in a plate of baked goods to sell in the afternoon along with concessions. Again, these need to be at the high school by Thursday at the end of school.
- High school pep band will be at the sale from 9:00-12:00 on Friday to help get things started and play some music.
- All students and parents are encouraged to sign up for a time to come help work our sale. Any student who works at least one hour will earn extra credit! Click here for the signup form..